Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Christ and the Fig Tree

The story of Christ and the fig tree attests to many things.

The human and thus relatable elements of Christ - it emphasizes how He became who He sought to save (humanity) in His tiredness, His hunger and His frustration.

But that fig tree was created to bear fruit, and it was going against the nature of its creation by not doing such.  It's what we do all the time - go against what we were created for (union with God, love).  Such rebellion deserves death - Christ dishes that out to the fig tree.  It shows His righteous power against rebellion - that gesture bears testament to whom God is.

But it also exemplifies His mercy.  If a mindless fig could justifiably earn that fate, how much more do we for not bearing the fruit we should, for not being who we were really created to be?  But instead of cursing us immediately with no second change, we're given mercy and allowed to live still.  And thus we are given the fruit we're to bear.  God could've very easily made us as that fig tree - it's what we deserve.  But He didn't.  Be grateful for such undeserved mercy.  He really does love us.

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